
I take this opportunity to thank you for your commitment to bring zeolite onto our market, which I have helped me to solve some of my health problems. I will start with a benign problem, which gave me a lot of trouble. Ever since I was seventeen years I had problems with sweating and feet odor. For years I've used various creams as Canesten, various powders and sprays against the problem, but to no avail. Then I read that zeolite successfully removes fungi, so I decided to try it. Every day in the morning and evening after washing my feet I sprinkled zeolite on them, in the morning I sprinkled and then put on socks and also sprinkle the inside of my shoes with zeolite. Believe it or not, after seven days it all withdrew, I have no problems with feet, which as far as I am concerned is a miracle, and for two years I have not had any problems. Another problem I had which is not so benignant is pyorrhea from which I suffer no matter how and with what I was brushing my teeth, the gums were retreating. So three years ago I had to operate my in order to try and save my teeth. The dentist (who is also my friend) told me that he saved my teeth for seven or eight years and to gradually start preparing money for artificial teeth. A year and a half ago I started to brush my teeth, instead of regular toothpaste, only with zeolite, and then a miracle happened again, at the check-up that I have done a few months ago my dentist was amazed that my gums were restored and looked great. Apparently, zeolite did its work. With this letter, I wanted to thank you for helping me resolve my health issues and I also wanted to share my experiences with people who have similar problems. In hopes for you to share my experiences with other people, I send warm-hearted greetings to you!
Association to help patients with cancer, "Faith in Life", 55 years

I am a math teacher. In February this year, I had a severe viral infection of the respiratory tract. After three boxes of medicine and I still had a fever which lasted for months. All analyzes were neat but I still had a temperature of 37.4 in May. I heard of zeolite from a friend and decide to try it. After a month of using it the temperature has gone and now I feel good. My mother got the same virus, except she had complications and ended up in the hospital with severe pneumonia. The virus left her with low amounts of oxygen in the blood (70%). The doctor told her that this is permanent, there is no drug that will increase the oxygen level in her system and prescribed her medicine that will maintain the current level. He also told her to come to terms with the fact that she will have to use this drug for the rest of her life. I brought her zeolite and at the check-up, after two months of using zeolite, her oxygen level was 90%. The doctor was amazed and told her to continue drinking whatever she was drinking. Now my whole family drinks zeolite and we feel great! Greetings!
Math teacher

I had a carcinoma of my left brast discovered over a year ago. The doctors suggested surgery. The carcinoma was 19 mm in size. I had used teas and apricot kernel for some time and it had reduced to 17 mm. I have been using zeolite for a year and at my last check-in it was confirmed that the carcinoma skrunk to 2 mm. After starting to use zeolite I have been going to check-ups every 3 months and the carcinoma was being reduced by 3 mm. I no longer have kidney sand. My younger daughter, who is 27 years old, had a cyst in the breast. She used zeolite and the cyst is gone. I am delighted and would recommend zeolite to everyone..
A retired social worker

I am from Titel. I am a driver and I am 57 years old. Since December 2013 I have been drinking zeolite twice a day. On my left arm muscle, I had a mole that has changed the size and becomes black with a red rim around the edges. Within 3 months it normalized. Due to work and sleep in the cabin of the truck, I had a very bad dream and I had to drink medicines for the nerves in order to fall asleep. Since I have started drinking zeolite, my sleep is restored and normalized, so I feel very good. I would recommend zeolite to everyone.

I am sending you my zeolite experience, which I have been using for half a year. My diagnosis is autoimmune thyroiditis - Hashimoto. Before taking zeolite my TPO antibodies were about 1700, TSH about 5 and CRP 23! After six months TPO antibodies have been reduced to 140, TSH to 2 and CDE 3! I feel like amazing improvement has been made, my energy is restored, there is no more fatigue, drowsiness in the afternoon, and so on. I feel great. I take a teaspoon of zeolite 3 times a day. Thank you and continue with the excellent work! Greetings,
Graduated physicist, 37 years

I want to share my experience with zeolite with you. In March of 2014 I gave blood for analysis, and the value for cholesterol, triglycerides, and glucose were increased. Bad cholesterol: 6.4, triglycerides 2.1, Glucose: 6.7. After that I started drinking zeolite. I have to point out that I have not changed my diet. In October of 2014, I again got a blood test and the results were within normal limits: cholesterol 4.42, triglycerides 0.77, glucose 5.7. Since I have started drinking zeolite I feel better, I'm more mobile, have more energy, I don’t exhaust myself! I would recommend drinking zeolite to anyone who has these problems ! Greetinga,
Retired forest technician, 65 years old

I had been a smoker for 30 years. I had big problems with hemorrhoids and indigestion. That is why I have been drinking zeolite for 2 and a half years, one teaspoon in the moring and in the evening. Already after a month and a half of using zeolite digestion and hemorrhoids have considerably improved. I love eating spicy foodand it does not cause me problems anymore, I do not even have heartburn. I am more energized and during winter I go swimming regularly. I noticed that ever since I started drinkong zeolite my nails have got stronger. I have also regulated my body weight. Greetings,
Agricultural engineer, 50 years

My name is Milica Kovačev and in this way I would like to share my experience with zeolite. 32 years ago after my first delivery I got psoriasis that has not withdrawn. A few years later, after a long stay at sea, I noticed improvement. Soon after came the second birth and psoriasis returned. 10 years ago I had bile surgery. I would like to point out that I am a hairdresser by profession and at my workplace I am exposed to traspiration of different products that are used for hair. That influences my state of health further. I started drinking zeolite 3 years ago and since then I drink regularly. I have been drinking the zeolite produced by your company for 2 years without a break and stiring one teaspoon in 2 dl of water and drinking it after breakfast or lunch. I only pause if taking medicine. All my family members drink zeolite too! Ever since I started drinking zeolite I have been feeling more vital, I have more energy, I am more relaxed, and as for Psoriasis-it has almost completely withdrawn, my skin is velvety, smooth, regenerates better, red dots are disappearing. I am very pleased!!! I recommend to all of my customers to drink zeolite regularly because after a longer or shorter time period they will definitely feel improvement.

I want to share my experience with zeolites with everyone so that people with similar problems can solve them, as I have solved them. Three years ago, I had major health problems. In ultrasound, I discovered cysts on the kidneys, cysts in the urinary bladder, enlarged prostate, in the right kidney 6-7 small stones, and in the left side has the sand and a larger stone (over 10mm in size). I was uncomfortable, difficult, accompanied by a stinging. The urine was blurry.  After more than a year of using zeolite, the urologist, by an ultrasound examination, found that there was no casts on the kidney, also not on the bladder.The right kidney is completely clean, without sand and pebbles, while in the left larger stone it is more than double decreased. The size is slightly enlarged to the left.The urine has been clear for a long time. The blood picture is great! After examining the urologist, he asked me what I was using. I answered: "ZEOLIT." Then he called his older colleague, showed him my previous and new results. He told me to drink zeolite. The older and more experienced urologist said after the examination of the results: "Just continue to drink zeolite:" I am very pleased! I'm feeling great!
Retired taxi driver (68 years)